Interlibrary Loan (ILL)
Interlibrary Loan (ILL) is a free of charge service providing print materials -which are not available in the library's collection- for loan from other university and research libraries.
For the books or articles requested, the users can scan them at to determine whether or not they are available in our library, in case they are not available in the library, it should be confirmed from the catalog search page of the library where the resources will be requested that the resources are on the shelf. Requests should be made to the Responsible Librarian with “Interlibrary Borrowing Request Form” by contacting through
In order to put the requests into process correctly and on time, the form need to be filled completely. Requests with incomplete information and not found in any library are notified to the user and canceled.
When the request reaches the library, users are informed by e-mail. After user recieve the e-mail, they should get the material from the library within 3 days. Material, which is not received within 3 days will be returned.
The extension is done in accordance with the rules of the lending library. Users should return publications to our library in time. The user is responsible for the materials that are delayed and the penalties of the lending library are applied. In the event that the borrowed material is lost or damaged by the user, the user is responsible and the rules of the lending library apply. Shipping and postage fees are covered by the users.